New Things!!!

The Word For The Day • “See, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:19 God... |  Isaiah 43 19, Isaiah, Beautiful scripture

I’d really love to say I woke up this morning with tremendous excitement and enthusiasm about starting this blog that I leaped out of my bed and immediately got to writing – no, that’s not exactly how it went down! Don’t get me wrong, the excitement and enthusiasm was very much present, and I did spring out of bed – about two days ago; but as I was about to start writing, like an uninvited guest, fear snuck in. As I’ve done so many times before, I sheepishly put the laptop away, went back to bed, and entertained it. I made fear feel at home in my own space. And for a while, the whole intention of starting the blog was lost on me, even ignored the fact that I had conversations with God about doing this. So as I lay in bed the past couple of nights, I kept being haunted by the guilt I’d be feeling, should I choose to not pursue this particular assignment, considering how important it is to me, for so many reasons.

At the crack of dawn today, still riddled with some residue of fear, I jumped out of bed, mustered up every ounce of courage I could and decided to forge ahead anyways – fear and all. While I allowed fear to minister to me for some time (how un-Christian of me), like a gentle breeze, the Holy Spirit reminded me of what God says in His Word in 2 Timothy 1v7. And so for the first time in a while, I needed to operate from its truth. Fear is a part of life, and can invade our hearts at any moment, so we often need to be reminded of where it’s from – the enemy, and that God gives us is the spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Fear keeps us in bondage, but the truth of God’s love sets us free. And so like most good stories you’ve heard or read before, the truth came out victorious, and now we’re here. Hooraaa!

Now, you may be wondering why you’re here right? Well, consider this is as a personal invitation from me to you; asking you to join me in partnering together, as we navigate our way in this journey of faith, and sharing with each other the truth of God’s Word in our every day situations, especially in a world that would rather have us water down the Gospel and live within the grey areas of sin. So let’s engage and not only learn God’s Word together, but really believe what is written in it, so that we can be practical in our application of it. Together, with the help of our trusted friend, the Holy Spirit, let’s walk hand-in-hand, as we allow God to hold our hands as we grow in faith!

I’m thrilled about taking this journey with you all!


3 Replies to “New Things!!!”

  1. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10

    In everything that is GOD given there is a blessing… For when HE is for you, who can be against you…
    Believing in yourself is the biggest jump start to making your dreams a reality….

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